Never seen a jackalope? Not even sure what one is ? Well, you've come to the right place. You'll get the whole wild story right here in this book. You see, the jackalope didn't start out with horns. First he was a plain old hare. You know, a jackrabbit. The horns came later, along with a corny fairy godrabbit and a cranky coyote. And the trouble those horns brought-- hoooo-wee With a gut-busting brew of sassy storytelling and outrageous art, Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel finally give the jackalope his due. After all, he's long been part of American legend--isn't it time to tell the real story?
The pictures and story are great. I read it with my fourth grade class and they really enjoyed it. We discussed personification and onomonapeia while reading the story.
worth reading
Published by User , 19 years ago
I bought this book because I liked these authors' style. I enjoyed the tongue in cheek humor that came through in this story. Often in reading children's books I can predict what will happen but not here- I looked forward to turning each page to see what would happen next- and was often surprised- chuckling with each new turn of events.
This strange creature is sure to eventually turnip somewhere
Published by User , 20 years ago
I purchased this book because it had such an intersting title: JACKALOPE. Simple, yet mysterious. A jackalope is an imaginary (well, maybe not totally imaginary) creature that has the body of a jack rabbit and the horns of an antelope. This book is "the absolute truth" about what happened to the jackalope. The story is narrated by a crudgy old armadillo who sits in a lawn chair.Basically, there once was a jack rabbit named Jack who wasn't happy being who he was. He wanted to be a fierce and frightening creature. One day he wished upon a star and his fairy godrabbit appeared and gave him the horns of an antelope. But there was a catch, but Jack was so excited, he didn't listen to what the catch was.This is a hilarious story that mixes everything together from American tall tales to classic fairy tales. There's a little bit of Cinderella, Pinocchio, the big bad wolf (coyote) from Little Red Riding Hood involved. There's also a touch of Aesop's fables and a magic mirror that is probably a cousin to the one in Snow White. All of this and vegetable jokes and witty wordplay. Plus, some really clever illustrations. Tack on a false ending and some scientific facts about jackrabbits, antelope, and horned toads and you've got yourself one mighty fine story. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a great story, age doesn't matter.
Silly, corny--lots of fun!
Published by User , 21 years ago
The sister duo who produced this book obviously had lots of fun--with word play, corny jokes, rhymes, and borrowed bits and pieces of classic tales-a fairy godrabbit and a magic mirror that admonishes, "I don't just reflect, I need your respect." They tack on a false ending plus an old-fashioned moral: "Like yourself as you are." They set out to tell the TRUE story of that unique Western creature--the jackalope, a jack rabbit with antelope horns--and pull it off wonderfully with an irreverent attitude and silly illustrations.
Hilarious and original
Published by User , 21 years ago
I work in a small town library, and today when the UPS man came in the door with the Jackalope in a delivery box, it just made my day. No quiet was had at the front desk while reading this original and hilarious tale. Of course being a Texan didn't hurt understanding the story line--the jackalope is legendary here. The illulstrations are top rate, and as good as any of the previous efforts by the authors. The story is original and wonderfully retold.I can't wait to share it with my grandson as well as the story time with the young readers at the library. My big two thumbs up!
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