Stephanie Grace Whitson has set a new paradigm for Christian authors with Jacob's List. I don't want to give any of this hard-hitting story away, so this review will be short. But Whitson has delivered a portrayal of emotions so realistic in characters so life-like, I experienced them with Pam and Michael. But what stayed with me the most was the conversion scene. It was one of the most natural conversions I've read. No manipulation,...
Jacob's List is a novel about a couple recovering from the greatest of losses, but it is about so much more. It's about renewal and hope, and rebuilding the very foundations of one's life. Anyone who has ever faced any kind of loss--and who hasn't?--should read this book. It can offer a new way of looking at the trials in our lives. An excellent novel by an excellent author.
I could not put this book down. The author weaved the two families brought together, because of Jacob's list, so masterfully, that I just couldn't stop reading. I cried with them, I laughed with them, I felt their pain and triumph. This is one of the most heartwarming, gut wrenching stories I have ever read and I read alot. I am definately a Stephanie Grace Whitson fan from now on and I look forward to any future books she...
Pam and Michael have just received the worst news that no parent ever wants to hear. Their only child has been killed. The estranged couple now must deal with coping with their son's death, and their feelings toward the man who killed him. Their relationship together also requires a second outlook. Everything in their lives must be reexamined from past battles with cancer, to affairs, to matters of faith, to dealing with Jacob's...
Twenty years old Jacob "Jake" Nolan has drawn up a personal list of ten items he wants to do before he settles down. However, when he dies in an accident, his wealthy parents Pamela and Michael are shattered as they doted on him and he was the prime reason they remained together. Both grieve differently and separately even when they go on a Hawaiian vacation. Still they have Jake's list and Pamela and Michael would like...