Treat your February-born friends and family to a bookish birthday! Did you know you can schedule ThriftBooks e-Gift Cards to be delivered on a specific date? Or If you'd rather give your February friends something specific, we've put together a list of some of the hottest titles of the moment. Plus, learn about literary luminaries born this month.
It's time for our annual collection of the best books of the year. The titles that made the cut cover a robust range of genres and categories. This roundup includes the standouts in literature, fiction, and nonfiction. Upcoming editions will focus on kids' & YA, romance & horror, and mystery & sci-fi/fantasy.
As 2024 draws to a close, we thought it would be a good time to highlight some of this year's celebrated books. Here is a selection of the winners of literature's most distinguished awards and honors.
Here at Thriftbooks, we spend a lot of time thinking about the kinds of books our customers will enjoy. During the holidays, that extends to the books our customers would most like to give (and receive) as gifts. Our newest poll looks at book gifting trends. Here are some of the compelling stories we unwrapped.
Told from the point of view of the enslaved Jim, Percival Everett's latest novel, James, is a brilliant, action-packed retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. If you enjoy stories that reimagine, reframe, or pay homage to classic texts, here are fifteen more titles for you.