The Unitied States is divided, blue statesagainst red states. In the wake of the2004 Presidential election the citizensof America take matters into their ownhands, and secession becomes reality.In this volume of fiction, you will findtales that address the question: what ifthe blue states left the republic? What ifthe greatest country in the world split-up?What would this mean for the rest of theworld? How would the parts of the formerUSA fair in a new world where theyʼre nolonger the single superpower?What would this startling future hold?Read stories by Paul Di Filippo, RobertLopresti, Tara Kolden, Douglas Lain, Carole McDonnell, Gene Stewart, C.J.Henderson, Cody Goodfellow, EdwardJ. McFadden III, David Bartell, J. Stern, Patrick Thomas, Ruth Nestvold & JayLake, K.M. Praschak, Michael Jasper, Erin Fitzgerald, Paul G. Tremblay, DarbyHarn, and Seth Lindberg.Join these authors as they let theirfrustrations seethe, and discover the new world order
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