Born in Norway, John A. Widtsoe (1872-1952), was renowned for his expertise in irrigation and dry farming. His pioneering work pushed the boundaries of and contributed significantly to advancements in agricultural practices. Moreover, his forays into the field of biochemistry exemplified his relentless pursuit of scientific understanding.
Widtsoe's journey came with challenges especially after he was called as an apostle in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As president of both Utah State Agricultural College (1907-16) and the University of Utah (1916-21), he faced controversies and obstacles head-on. Additionally, he played a significant role in overseeing the expansion of the LDS gospel in both Europe and the United States. He was highly esteemed within his church due to his ability to provide thorough and insightful explanations of various aspects of church doctrine and reconcile them with scientific truths. Throughout the early-to-mid-twentieth century, he symbolized to many members the successful integration of religious faith with secular knowledge, inspiring countless individuals to embrace both realms in harmony.