Un legado invaluable que nos invita a seguir leyendo, escribiendo y so ando
Este libro constituye un acto de gratitud intelectual, una muestra de deslumbramiento --producto de una fervorosa lectura de sus libros--, pero sobre todo es una invitaci n a acercarse al autor latinoamericano m s universal. Escribi Jorge Luis Borges que l se sent a m s orgulloso de las obras que hab a le do que de las que hab a escrito. Orgullo que comparte con uno de sus mejores lectores: Jos Emilio Pacheco. Desde el recuento puntual de su vida literaria hasta la vivisecci n de su obra escrita, Jos Emilio Pacheco recorre los caminos del vasto laberinto borgeano y sus acertijos inagotables.
Ensayo y biograf a, cronolog a y cr tica, en Jorge Luis Borges el an lisis literario adquiere dotes creativas fascinantes a partir del di logo entre dos autores insuperables.
An invaluable legacy that invites us to keep reading, writing, and dreaming
This book constitutes an act of intellectual gratitude, a display of wonder --product of a fervent reading of his books-- but above all, it is an invitation to approach the most universal Latin American author. Jorge Luis Borges wrote that he was prouder of the works he had read than of those he had written. A pride he shares with one of his best readers: Jos Emilio Pacheco. From the detailed recounting of his literary life to the vivisection of his written work, Jos Emilio Pacheco explores the paths of the vast Borgesian labyrinth and its inexhaustible riddles.
Essay and biography, chronology and criticism, in Jorge Luis Borges literary analysis acquires fascinating creative traits from the dialogue between two unsurpassable authors.