A Journey of Faith is a compilation of the life of Josef. Born in 1943 during WWII, while millions of soldiers died on the battlefields and millions of civilians died because of the bombing of cities and starvation, Josef survived against all odds. He was nursed and raised by a naturopathic-treatment-practicing mother, utilizing alternative medicine and prayer. She relieved her families' sicknesses at a time when few hospitals were operating and only a small number of doctors available. At the age of twenty, Josef, with his pregnant wife, immigrated to America with not much money, but by the grace of God and hard work came to be part owner a food-processing company. In gratitude for the grace and many blessings of God, it created in me a yearning to comfort those who have been less fortunate and have fallen on hard times. His hope is that this book will remind people what God can and will do, no matter how humble our beginnings, and circumstance. Trust in Him.