Travel! Adventure! Romance! What could possibly go wrong? It's 1972 when free-spirited "good girl," Fay, takes off on a 3-year journey around the U.S. and Europe in search of jobs, apartments and boyfriends. She soon finds navigating her way through The Real World will take a skill set her Sunday school teacher never taught her.
Bravely facing assault, poverty, punishing jobs, betrayal, loss, romance and various revenge plagues rained down upon from The Almighty, Fay must learn to recalibrate her conservative group-think or abandon her road-trip-as-a-lifestyle existence and retreat to the soul-crushing community from which she escaped.
Part historical snapshot, part travelogue and part confessional, this laugh-out-loud memoir is the story of every woman who has pondered the road not taken or grappled with the guilt of not being able to live up to rules she didn't make.