Camila always helps animals in need, even when that animal turns out to be a shifter.
Camila spent her life doing two things: driving to work and working. Exotic animal vets weren't common in Brazil, which is precisely why she moved back home. Unfortunately, her work left little time to have a life.
Mateo knew what it meant to be king and fought to protect his people from the outside world at all costs. When the Bengals attacked and left Mateo for dead on the side of the road to claim his streak, that should have been the end of things. Instead, he woke up drowsy, naked, and mated.
Camila didn't accept the story of man turning into a man even though it happened before her eyes, but she begrudgingly agrees to help. When Mateo can't shift, despite her best instincts she can't leave the handsome man behind. Mateo has to find his shifter soul and win over his mate, all before saving his entire streak.
Enter the jungle - the new king is waiting.