Move over, Man Caves. She Sheds are coming to a house near you. Across the country, ladies are carving out a special place for themselves, one free from stress and concern. And they're doing it in their own backyards by turning spaces usually reserved for old tools and greasy car parts into refined relaxation. The beauty of the She Shed is that it can take whatever form best suits your tastes.
In Junk Beautiful: She Sheds, best-selling author and Queen of Junk Sue Whitney, founder of JUNKSTYLE and author of the Junk Beautiful brand of books, will introduce the "rustoration" philosophy to 15 she sheds from across the country.
Featured She Sheds will largely be small wooden structures, but could also take the shape of a dolled-up camper, vintage horse trailer, tree house, or other unique space. Shed rehab will include indoor and outdoor projects that run from light construction to accessory projects and simple hacks. Re-using and re-inventing castoffs as home furnishings and accessories create uniquely personal spaces --the hallmark of She Sheds. She Sheds on the East Coast (greater Philadelphia), South (Texas), Midwest (greater Minneapolis), and West Coast (central California) will allow for regional design flavor.