The newest Jurassic World movie, scheduled for release in July of 2025, will star Scarlett Johansson as a covert operations expert leading a top-secret mission involving—you guessed it—dinosaurs. We can't wait to see the new movie, but luckily there's plenty of dino-mite literature to enjoy in the meantime.
Stephen King's new book of short stories, You Like it Darker, will be released on May 21. The collection includes a sequel to his 1981 novel Cujo about a St. Bernard who goes on a murderous rampage after contracting rabies from a diseased bat. If you're a fan of Cujo and can't wait for the new collection, here are thirteen more books about savage beasts to enjoy in the meantime.
No matter how full our TBR shelves get, we're always finding new books we want to squeeze in! Here are 23 exciting April releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
Welcome to the fourth annual ThriftBooks Novel Knockout! This year’s theme is Series Smackdown, featuring 32 spectacular series (all nominated by book lovers!). Each day, new matches have been posted for you, our dear readers, to decide the ultimate winner. And now we’re down to the final four series!