Just Imagine & Play On the Site is an activity book set on a bustling construction site Kids will love the facts, games and fold-out construction site scene.
Rev the engine on your earth movers and bulldozers because it's construction time Just Imagine & Play On the Site is your chance to be in charge of your own construction site. With this awesome activity book, you'll be able to: Learn fun facts about construction equipmentColor some construction scenesComplete mazesFinish dot-to-dots to reveal the tools and equipmentPlay tic-tac-toeSpot the difference between the toolboxesPlay the memory gamePlay a board gameLearn to draw a safety cone, a wrench, and a buildingIn addition to the fun activities, use your imagination to play on the construction site Unfold this book, and there's the stand-up play scene. Customize your construction site with the reusable stickers and punch-out, stand-up characters, and you're ready for action. With your fun scene, you can play with the construction workers, vehicles, and tools
What kinds of things you build on your construction site is up to you Use dump trucks, excavators and bulldozers to move dirt and build houses and skyscrapers. It's never a dull day on the construction site Just Imagine & Play On the Site includes cool facts about construction site tools and vehicles, puzzles, and games, plus punch-out characters, reusable stickers, and a fold-out construction site scene.