"Stroke is a life-altering event. When Angie Collins-Burke suffered a devastating stroke that injured the right hemisphere of her brain at the age of forty-six, her life was suddenly changed forever. Once a registered nurse taking care of patients, Angie became the patient. In this candid memoir, Angie chronicles her heart-wrenching diagnosis and the emotional rollercoaster of her stroke recovery journey. With incredible determination, courage, grit, family support, and intensive rehabilitation therapy, Angie faced the challenges of overcoming severe physical and cognitive impairments compounded by post-stroke depression and epilepsy, and she shares her coping strategies and keen insights that can help others.
Her neurological recovery is extraordinary--not only was she able to regain her lost functions, but she also developed new artistic and athletic talents and found a new life purpose. This truly remarkable recovery story is inspiring and empowering, offering wisdom and hope to stroke survivors and their families. It is highly recommended for patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and anyone who wants to understand the lived experience of stroke."
- David J. Gladstone MD, PhD, FRCPC
Stroke Neurologist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
This book explores:
- Living with the challenges of a brain injury
- Dealing with depression and an identity crisis
- Fighting the what ifs
- Coping with frustration
- Moving from putting yourself down to positive self-talk
- Handling hurtful, inappropriate, and disrespectful comments
- Considering intimacy following stroke
- Detailing the benefits of a pain journal and exercise
Just Pick Up the Peg are the words that Angie commanded her hand to do during occupational therapy--a small phrase whose repetition yielded significant and life-changing results. Her memoir inspires us all to appreciate what we have in life, thrive through difficulty, and make the most of our challenges and opportunities.
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