Today the central doctrine of the Reformation--justification by faith alone--is under attack, even by many in historically Reformed and Presbyterian denominations. Under the guise of a "new perspective on Paul," revisionist theologians are resurrecting the old heresy of justification by faith and works. They give this a new name--the federal vision. But it is nothing else than the error of the Judaizers that Paul condemns in the Epistle to the Galatians.
In direct contradiction of this heresy, the author stands squarely in the tradition of Luther and Calvin. From an uncompromisingly Reformed perspective, he clearly and positively expounds the epistle, emphasizing the truth of justification by faith alone, as well as the liberty this truth gives to God's people.
Those who love the Reformed faith, whether they are theologians or saints in the pew, will find Justified Unto Liberty to be beneficial in the understanding, defense, and advancement of the truth.