This book was written by the author who traveled to Kazakhstan and by the local experts. This book is not a tourist guide in the usual sense - it is a set of useful information for independent travel. This information will help you to save your Money and Time during the Kazakhstan trip (and even before it starts) The book contains information about the main sights of Kazakhstan: opening hours, ticket prices and locations, tourist routes and transport tips.
The book contains the most popular Secrets and Advice from the Locals Experts:
Historical and Cultural SIGHTsECO-TourismEXTREME ActivityCAF & NIGHT CLUBsWhere to STAY and SHOPPINGThe Most Delicious Things to EAT & DRINKBUDGET TRAVEL TIPs3 Reasons to Buy This Book
Simple Guide to Independent TravelBest Sights informationBudget TipsStart Kazakhstan Travel Today