Melanie Deming is a writer with a true crime story about to hit the screen She should be ecstatic. But she's still a fish out of water in the billionaire world of her daughter's private school. A fellow mom is found murdered at an open house on Park Avenue, which Melanie attended out of curiosity. She can't help but follow the trail of a murderer through the glittering and treacherous trenches of Manhattan real estate. Her husband, a food critic, objects to Melanie's extremely healthy diet but even more to her compulsive sleuthing and her sexy writing partner.
After her husband leaves her for another woman, Melanie runs between talk shows promoting her movie and chasing down rich, backstabbing brokers, shady developers, the arrogant plastic surgeon ex-husband of the dead woman, and his Russian fianc e. It all has the makings of another true crime screenplay if Melanie can live to tell the tale.