Does giving or receiving kindness make you feel vulnerable? Would you like to share more kindness in the world?Imagine if every single person treated each other, and themselves, with empathy, generosity, and compassion. Imagine if judgment, prejudice, or discrimination simply didn't exist. Imagine a world where kindness is so commonplace that it's the norm. Wouldn't that be exactly the kind of world you'd want to live in?"How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time." - Morgan Freeman
My name is Kathy Shanks; I'm a businesswoman, mother and entrepreneur with a passion for self-development. Over the years, I've filled my mind with as much content as my brain could handle. I have used this knowledge, combined with my skills as a graphic designer, to share the guided journaling tools (in a cute and fun way) that have allowed me to live my best life on my terms.
Inside you'll discover affirmations and daily actions to assist in developing, growing and nurturing kindness within yourself and the world around you:
Affirmations for discovering, reflecting and improving your kind heartSuggested tasks and actions for living in kindnessAdditional 30 day self-love programThe way in which you use this book is up to you. Keep it close by for a boost when you need a reminder of your self-talk, start the day by reading affirmations of kindness, randomly choose a page for divine guidance, choose a page and use it as inspiration for your daily journaling. However you use this book, finding and feeling kindness is a skill to practice and constantly improve upon.
In fact, one of the most effective forms of kindness is being kind to yourself. To even begin to share yourself-your time, resources, talents-with others, you first have to fill your own cup. This only comes with consistently treating yourself with respect and love.
Whether towards yourself or others, practising kindness is all about starting small and doing things with intention. While it can sometimes be easy to confuse being nice with being kind, the two aren't the same-you can lend a helping hand while being resentful about it. Kindness goes beyond behaviour. It entails cultivating a spirit of generosity, empathy, and compassion.
Combining conscious, mindful (and fun!) kindness activities with powerful affirmation statements can create new, healthy patterns-ones that allow you to nourish your mind, body, heart, and soul.
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