No matter how massive our TBR stacks get, we're always finding new books we want to stack on! Here are 24 exciting September releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
As long as there have been books, there have been women writers, but until the last few centuries, their voices were marginalized, discounted, and even silenced. Finally, this is changing. In celebration of Women's History Month, here are 21 time-honored classics by women who broke new ground and earned their spot in literary history.
In 2020, 27 years after its original publication, Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower finally took its rightful place on the New York Times Best Seller list. Now, in celebration of its thirty year anniversary, we explore Butler's life and legacy and offer a recommended reading list for fans of the author, who passed away in 2006.
Back when they were still paper certificates, "gift certs" were an exciting thing to receive! I still remember my favorite one. Then there came a period of time where gift cards seemed a bit...lazy. Luckily, those days are behind us. With the exciting features a digital card brings, giving a gift card is exciting and personal again, with the addition of personalized videos, pictures, and more ways to make it your own.
If you are the kind of reader who gets excited about seeing the story come to life on screen, this year has been such a treat, with so many great adaptations already out and more on the way. Here are all of the recent and upcoming book to screen adaptations you'll want to have on your radar so you can read it first.