See below for English description.
Une nouvelle s rie de 4 romans hilarants d'auteurs canadiens connus
Si vous pouviez avoir n'importe quel superpouvoir, lequel choisiriez-vous? Probablement pas celui de transformer vos mouchoirs sales en cr atures morveuses combattant le crime
La jeune Jessica Morvan est accabl e de tous les types d'allergies connus et inconnus, et a pour habitude de laisser derri re elle une tra n e de mouchoirs pleins de morve. Autour de son treizi me anniversaire, elle se met d velopper de myst rieux pouvoirs qu'elle n'est pas pr te assumer. Au m me moment, sachant que ce jour viendrait, les forces du bien et du mal gardent un oeil attentif sur elle et trois autres jeunes sp ciaux ...
Expos s un myst rieux l ment dans l'unit de maternit d'un petit h pital, ces quatre jeunes d veloppent des pouvoirs plus ou moins enviables la pubert . Alors qu'ils d couvrent leurs capacit s et qu'ils tentent de les ma triser, chacun se pr pare un combat pique qu'eux seuls peuvent livrer.
Les lecteurs seront ravis par cette aventure tout fait d lirante, qui est le tout premier livre d'une s rie de quatre
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? Likely not the power to harness your used tissues into crime-fighting snot golems? Thirteen-year-old Jessica Morvan is riddled with every allergy, known and unknown. She's used to leaving a trail of soggy, used tissues wherever she goes, but not at all prepared for the mysterious powers that show around her thirteenth birthday. And just in the nick of time too, as it turns out there are forces both good and evil who have had their eyes on her and three other "special" kids since their birth, knowing this day might someday come.
Exposed to a mysterious element in the maternity ward of a small-town hospital, these four children develop not-so-super powers at puberty, each with their own specific limitations and all more than slightly goofy. As each discovers his or her power and struggles to master it, each is in turn drawn into an epic (or epically silly?) battle only they can fight.
Readers will be riveted to this edge-of-your-seat, howlingly funny story that hits the ground running and never misses a beat. This is the first in a four-book series; the other books are written by Richard Scrimger, Ted Staunton and Lesley Livingston.
Original title: The Almost Epic Squad: Mucus Mayhem