Cuando Carlos sinti un hormigueo en los pies, dentro de sus zapatos, no imagin que encontrar a a una bruja diminuta y simp tica. Naturalmente, se distrajo, dej de prestar atenci n en clase y termin siendo castigado, Aunque hubiera sido interesante, Carlos no pudo llevar a una bruja a la escuela al d a siguiente, as que la dej en casa... Y ah comenzaron los problemas. Carlos debe rescatar a su inesperada amiga de una posible calamidad y demostrar el significado de la amistad.
La prestigiosa novelista M nica Lav n incursiona en la literatura infantil con esta historia sobre la amistad y el acto creativo.
When Carlos felt a tingling on his feet, inside his shoes, he didn't imagine that he would find a tiny and friendly witch. Naturally, he was distracted, stopped paying attention in class, and ended up being punished, Even though it would have been interesting, Carlos couldn't bring a witch to school the next day, so he left her at home... and that's where the problems came. Carlos rescues his unexpected friend from a potential calamity and demonstrates the meaning of friendship.
The prestigious novelist M nica Lav n ventures into children's literature with this story about friendship and the creative act.