See below for English description.
Olivier est le plus petit lutin du p le Nord. Il a h te de d couvrir quel travail lui r serve le p re No l dans son atelier Mais apr s s' tre perdu dans le magasin de jouets, il a mis en d sordre la librairie et est tomb dans la machine pain la boulangerie. Le plus petit lutin ne serait-il pas... trop petit? Peut- tre que le plus petit renne du p re No l pourra lui rappeler le fait que la magie de No l apaise toujours les coeurs
Olivier may be the littlest elf in the North Pole, but he has a big desire to discover his very special job in Santa's workshop But after getting lost in the toy shop, making a mess at the book shop, and falling in the mixing machine at the bakery, is the littlest elf just too little? Perhaps he just needs the littlest reindeer to remind him what Christmas is all about
Original title: The Littlest Elf