Moli re's beloved comedy features a rising member of the middle class who lusts for social status and higher learning. Plays for Performance Series.
The greatest writer of French classic comedy, the 17th-century playwright Moli re was one of the most brilliant satirists in the history of literature. His keen observations and barbed wit deflated the pretensions of society in his day and focused a brilliant light on the...
This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's...
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin is better known to us by his stage name of Moli re. He was born in Paris, to a prosperous well-to-do family on 15th January 1622. In 1631, his father purchased from the court of Louis XIII the posts of "valet of the King's chamber and keeper of carpets...
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit Moli?re, n? ? Paris, baptis? le 15 janvier 1622 et mort ? Paris le 17 f?vrier 1673, est un dramaturge auteur de com?dies, mais aussi un com?dien et chef de troupe de th?'tre fran?ais qui s'est illustr? au d?but du r?gne de Louis XIV.Issu d'une famille...
Le Malade imaginaire - Le chef-d'oeuvre de Moli?re avec 31 illustrations de Tony Johannot
Le Malade imaginaire is Moliere's final comedie-ballet, embellished by the music of Marc-Antoine Charpentier. In this ferocious anti-medical satire, the playwright ingeniously mixes farcical comedy with the search for human truths.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit Moli?re, n? ? Paris, baptis? le 15 janvier 1622 et mort ? Paris le 17 f?vrier 1673, est un dramaturge auteur de com?dies, mais aussi un com?dien et chef de troupe de th?'tre fran?ais qui s'est illustr? au d?but du r?gne de Louis XIV.Issu d'une famille...