Leading Out Loud provides powerful insights into the challenges of communicating and living authentically. Who would have thought it would be so hard to have our "own voice" resonate fully for ourselves and others? Pearce poses the questions that help us do the thought provoking work necessary to develop and refine our personal perspectives, communications and actions. I approached this book as someone interested in leadership...
"Leading Out Loud is the most influential book I've ever read for improving my style of speaking to business audiences -- and I say this after almost 20 years as an international consultant, keynoter, and workshop leader. Pearce has done an incredible job of leading a reader through choosing to become an advocate, a leader of change, and then developing the knowledge and skills for doing that effectively. This book has even...
I first read Pearce's book when it was published in 1995. Since then I've easily re-read it a dozen times and recommended it to a number of clients and associates as THE reference guide to creating authentic, genuine and engaged communication in the workplace. His style is authentic, his insights boarder on the spiritual. It's so far beyond a "how to" book on public speaking. Instead, through his personal insight and passion,...
As a professional communication consultant, and former White House speechwriter, I've read perhaps a baker's dozen books on executive communication. It's a faceted field, and some aspects are well-represented in the selection of books available.But to my mind none has addressed the central need for (and subtle complexities of accessing) truth and heart in business rhetoric with simple clarity -- until this little volume appeared...
Mr. Pearce installs new lights on the path for those wishing to developing a clarity of intent for themselves, as well as guiding the direction of how to communicate that intent to all that one comes in contact with. One of the greatest tests of a business title to me is does the material offered affect me as a person in multiple aspects of my life -- am I introduced to a deeper understanding of myself and enabled to place...