In just a few short years, everything you wear or carry will be smart and network-enabled. But why wait? Build your own Internet of Things at home with the fully programmable ESP8266 microcontroller with onboard WiFi. This hands-on guide shows you how.
You'll learn not only how to build several network-enabled devices around the house, but also how to connect them together into your own cloud-based IoT network. If you some technical experience, author Alasdair Allan will get you started with the ESP8266 in the Arduino programming environment, and also teach you how to incorporate the Raspberry Pi into your ESP8266 projects with JavaScript and Node.js. Build an internet-connected Amazon Dash-style button to trigger web services in the cloud and on your Raspberry Pi Create a simple network of battery-powered sensors that log data internally and over the network to the Raspberry Pi Monitor your refrigerator with ESP8266, a light sensor, and a series of temperature and humidity sensors Build a camera system that can monitor your home, using Raspberry Pi camera modules and an off-the-shelf infrared sensor Control real-world things by building a remote switch with a PowerSwitch Tail Connect your things together and build a dashboard for your network with Node.js Use the AWS IoT platform to scale your Internet of Things into a robust cloud-based network Build a mesh network of sensors with the ESP8266 in "dual station" mode