LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3: The Mayan Adventure is great for the new LEGO EV3 user - especially one who loves step-by-step building and programming instructions. We combine well-illustrated instructions with a storyline of our Mayan king's tomb, filled with traps and passages. And how do our archaeologists make it past the traps? Young Evan brought his LEGO EV3 robot kit along, and his little bots save the day Our book is an excellent choice for classroom adoption - the earlier edition is a proven favorite of robotics instructors, gifted student educators, and young people using it on their own. The book is unique in its use of real engineering design methodology and systems thinking. We don't just say "Here are the instructions - go build it our way." Instead, we support our students with a secure scaffold. Then as they build, they become skillful designers able to extend what they've learned from the book into whole new projects.