Get the Solid Preparation Needed to Pass Your Security Certification Exam on the First Try
Filled with career-building instruction and guidance, Locksmith and Security Professionals' Exam Study Guide is a hands-on learning tool that will help you pass a wide variety of certification exams with flying colors Comprehensive and easy-to-use, this self-study resource contains hundreds of exam-like questions and answers that will enable you to achieve security certification in your specific fields.
Written by security expert and bestselling author Bill Phillips, the book takes you step-by-step through lock and security history...securing doors and windows...lock installation...picking locks...impressioning keys... opening automobile doors... and other topics. Locksmith and Security Professionals' Exam Study Guide features:
Hundreds of multiple-choice, true-false, and fill-in-the-blank questions and answers Sample tests for the registered professional locksmith (RPL) exam and the registered security professional (RSP) exam A helpful table of contents that guides readers to their exam material Detailed coverage of both physical and electronic securityInside this Sure-Fire Security Certification Study Tool
Lock History - Private Security and Loss Prevention - Securing Doors - Securing - Windows - Basic Locks and Keys - Picking, Impressioning, and Bumping Locks - Electromagnetic Locks - Opening Automobile Doors - Safe Basics - Basic Electricity and Electronics - Emergency Exit Devices - Wireless and Hardwired Alarms - Home Automation - Fire Protection - Safety and Security Lighting - Closed-Circuit Television Systems - Home and Office Security - Computer Security - Terrorism - Glossary - Bibliography - Sample Exams - And More