Pero sus sue?os juveniles de convertirse en constructor de barcos se dar?n de bruces contra una realidad dura y despiadada cuando la familia Puig, enemiga ac?rrima de su mentor, aproveche su posici?n ante el nuevo rey para ejecutar una venganza que llevaba a?os acariciando.
A partir de ese momento, la vida de Hugo oscila entre su lealtad a Bernat, amigo y ?nico hijo de Arnau, y la necesidad de sobrevivir en una ciudad injusta con los pobres.
Obligado a abandonar el barrio de la Ribera, busca trabajo junto a Mahir, un jud?o que le ense?a los secretos del mundo del vino. Con ?l, entre vi?edos, cubas y alambiques, el muchacho descubre la pasi?n por la tierra al tiempo que conoce a Dol?a, la hermosa sobrina del jud?o, que se convertir? en su primer amor. Pero este sentimiento, prohibido por las costumbres y por la religi?n, ser? el que le proporcionar? los momentos m?s dulces y amargos de su juventud.
Diez a?os despu?s de La catedral del mar, Ildefonso Falcones regresa de nuevo a ese mundo que tan bien conoce, la Barcelona medieval. Y lo hace recreando una vez m?s a la perfecci?n esa efervescente sociedad feudal, prisionera de una nobleza voluble y corrupta, y la lucha de un hombre por salir adelante sin sacrificar su dignidad.
The book that inspired the acclaimed NETFLIX show that was premiered on April 2022!
The long-awaited sequel to the great phenomenon that was La catedral del mar / Cathedral of the Sea by Ildefonso Falcones. Ten years ago, millions of readers were captivated by Arnau Estanyol, who helped build the Santa Maria del Mar church. Now, the story continues with this impressive recreation of medieval Barcelona, a splendid and exciting novel about loyalty, revenge, love, and unfulfilled dreams. Barcelona, 1387. Hugo Llor, a twelve-year-old son of a deceased sailor, works in the shipyards thanks to the generosity of one of the most esteemed men in the city: Arnau Estanyol. The Puig family, who is his mentor's archenemy, takes advantage of its standing with the new king to execute a revenge that they had been planning for years. From that moment on, Hugo's life fluctuates between being loyal to his friend who is Arnau's only son, and the need to survive in a city that is unfair with the poor. Forced to leave the town of La Ribera, he meets Dol?a, his new Jewish boss' niece, and who will become his first love; it will be a relationship forbidden by culture and religion. Ten years after La catedral del mar / Cathedral of the Sea, Ildefonso Falcones returns to the world he knows so well, medieval Barcelona. He once again recreates to perfection that effervescent feudal society, prisoner of a verbose and corrupt nobility.