There's a pond of happiness. It is full of dreamy flowers. Lotuses
Wow Crimson vibes of the life.
Mind gets the essence of purity, to move on at last. So wonderful.
Suddenly, what's going on? The pond is losing its pride.
There's the mystic lotus. But it's not found. Why?
Lost Lotus Lost the Happiness
Need to find out that lotus, to restore the dreamy pond; for reviving the lost
Because without that, life can be doomed anytime.
So, let's go ahead and find out that lost happiness, lost lotus.
Lost Lotus... a poetry book, reflects the messages of heart, for the
resurrection, of the dreamy pond of life.
For example- Lost Lotus, Mystic Lotus, We Have, Fragrance, Trapped Life etc.
Hope you will get some special essences of this mystic canvas of words.
Published Author of Poetry Books:
Thanks Dear God, Poetic Essence, Refection of Mind, Glittering Hopes,
Tiny Garden of Words, Angels Smile, Dancing Alphabet, Artistic Muse,
Essence of Love, The Magical Quill, Dear Children, Haunted Site, Woman,
The Butterfly, A Little fantasy, Lion's Roar, The Bride, No War (available on
Amazon worldwide, as any format).
Contact: [email protected]. [email protected],
You Tube: S Afrose *Muse of Writes*(@safrose_poetic_arts),
Facebook page: Muse of Words by S Afrose.
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