As a kid growing up in Columbia, Missouri, Ozzie Shaw's only focus is baseball. With the help of his father, Ozzie has the passion, the drive, and the talent to one day make it into the Major Leagues. However, in high school, like many boys his age, Ozzie meets a girl, and falls in love. At the end of his senior year, Ozzie has to make that fateful decision: love or baseball? Influenced by the constant reminders from his father that, "No one can go where you're headed," Ozzie chooses baseball and leaves the girl behind.
At first, life on the outside seems like it is going according to plan: Ozzie climbs his way through the minor leagues, is brought up by the St. Louis Cardinals, and becomes the Rookie of the Year in 2005. His life is a dream come true. Or is it?
Love or Baseball? is a story that will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you want to be a better person. It's a compelling fictional story, that you'll wish was true, but in many ways, you'll be glad it wasn't.