It has been days and no word, yet I feel the conclusion draws near. I feel it in my blood that the final crusade for absolute control has been waged. Queen Marrelia will try to avenge the loss of her true love, and through the loss of her innocence will grow a young woman not unlike her opponent. I tremble with fright, for insight has lent me a terrible aspect.
Yet even in my darkest dreams-the ones I awaken from terrified and shivering with sweat-I can see one sprig of life upon a desert of despair. The final hope of Zah is weighed by the outcome of a single hero. The color of this one's heart is undecided as I can feel the confusion even from a great distance. In the end, it is the strength of the few that win these battles, and I feel the hero will return.
This wild one. This crazy, vengeful, wild one they call Skyler.
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