Heller unfolds LURE, as the counterweight to Glare. To the unrelenting, harsh, indiscriminate reduction of the human spirit to a mere consumption machine.
Extending Hinge's dedication to Term Exfoliation, this volume fleshifies lure, gloom, abeyance, maroon, lessness, nugatory, shadow, & glance, among others; Hinges to C zanne's drawings, dialogues with Heidegger, introduces the modules 'when, ''3fers, ' & 'YOU;' & concludes with an interview by D.C. Wojciech. In the sluice-shimmer-trapeze of circumference collapse, Lure seduces, courts, parasols wafts of jasmine & ylang-ylang, tango-trots through the hushed halls of a lambent simoom. Uncontaminated by segmentation, LureHinge continues..............The next chapter of Hinge Theory Poetics-At the forefront of linguistically based poetic theory.
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