I recently finished up the Kindle version of Anne Jackson's new book, Mad Church Disease. First of all, let me reiterate that I love reading and taking notes using the Kindle. Completely changes how I engage a book. Secondly, this book in particular is one of those books that every person on staff in a ministry should read. If you aren't currently facing the "disease" of which Anne writes, you probably will. Here are some...
What? Cows and church people have something in common? According to my friend Anne Jackson we do, and it isn't just how we eat or how we moo or get sledgehammered on the head when we go with the crowd too mindlessly. We also share a common risk of disease. Anne's new book Mad Church Disease is about the way we tend to keep secrets about our own weaknesses. I asked her about this: Me: Anne, from the first day I heard of your...
First time authors like Anne Jackson are few and far in between. Her blog, is one of the top-ranked blogs for Christian leadership. In a recent list of the top 60 of those blogs, she is #18, and one of only three women on the list. She has an amazing heart for God's people and unity within his Church. As unique as she may be, she is not at all alone in the journey she is on. Her newly released book, Mad Church Disease: Overcoming...
If I had unlimited resources I would hand this book to every single pastor I have ever met. I would give a copy to their wives or husbands, their children and their volunteers. I would put this book in the hand of anyone who has ever been in ministry both church and para church. I truly believe this book is that important. I am not famous or popular. Many far more influential and inspiring Christian Authors have written...