Mitad ni o, mitad animal, con poderes incre bles
Ellos son los Magic Animals
MAGIC ANIMALS es la nueva serie que re ne todos los ingredientes para triunfar e ilusionar a los peque os lectores en un mundo lleno de ni os y ni as, magia, aventuras, seres fant sticos... y animales.
En el misterioso valle de Blim habitan seres fant sticos capaces de adoptar forma de ni o y de animal. Seres que, a trav s de un amuleto m gico, pueden transformarse en MAGIC ANIMALS con poderes incre bles.
Algo est ocurriendo en el valle de Blim... Abi, un p jaro acostumbrado a dormir en las ramas de las secuoyas, despierta de pronto convertida en ni a. Y parece que no es la nica: ric, Cloe, Yuna, Nico y la misteriosa Hela Crow eran animales corrientes que habitaban en el bosque. Ahora son seres fant sticos que deben cumplir una misi n: detener los planes del malvado mago Otto. Si lo consiguen o no, depende del poder de sus amuletos, pero tambi n de su valent a. Ellos son los Magic Animals.
Una colecci n para primeros lectores, con cap tulos breves, letra grande y lenguaje adaptado al nivel lector.
Una serie de libros ideal para aprender a leer, con parte narrativa y parte de c mic y perfecta para pasar horas de diversi n y entretenimiento.
lustraciones a todo color y con p ginas en formato c mic, que facilitan la lectura y la comprensi n del lector, creadas por Carles Dalmau, un joven ilustrador que se han hecho un hueco destacado en el mundo de la ilustraci n, el c mic y el manga. Cuenta con m s de 600k seguidores en sus redes.
Una colecci n llena de magia, poderes, animales, ni os y ni as, misterios recomendada para ni os de 6 a 8 a os. Perfecta para ni os y ni as lectores de Anna Kadabra y Marcus Pocus.
Half child, half animal, with incredible powers
They are the Magic Animals
MAGIC ANIMALS is the new series that brings together all the ingredients to succeed and excite young readers in a world full of boys and girls, magic, adventures, fantastic beings... and animals.
In the mysterious valley of Blim live fantastic beings capable of taking the form of children and animals. Beings that, through a magical amulet, can transform into MAGIC ANIMALS with incredible powers.
Something is happening in the valley of Blim... Abi, a bird accustomed to sleeping in the branches of the redwoods, suddenly wakes up as a child. And it seems that she is not the only one: Eric, Cloe, Yuna, Nico and the mysterious Hela Crow were ordinary animals that inhabited the forest. Now they are fantastic beings who must fulfill a mission: to stop the plans of the evil wizard Otto. Whether they succeed or not depends on the power of their amulets, but also on their bravery. They are the Magic Animals.
A collection for early readers, with short chapters, large print and language adapted to the reading level.
An ideal book series for learning to read, with part narrative and part comic and perfect for hours of fun and entertainment.
full-color illustrations with pages in comic format, which facilitate reading and understanding for the reader, created by Carles Dalmau, a young illustrator who has made a prominent name for himself in the world of illustration, comics and manga. She has more than 600k followers on her networks.
A collection full of magic, powers, animals, boys and girls, mysteries recommended for children from 6 to 8 years old. Perfect for boys and girls who read Anna Kadabra and Marcus Pocus.