The Mississippi Delta is perhaps best known for its rich blues history. Like many other regions of the South, there are tremendous numbers of beautiful buildings of historical importance in this land deposited by one of the country 1/2s most historically important rivers.
From historic Port Gibson to up the river toward Memphis, Jim Fraiser's evocative text details the architectural features of homes, churches, and stores dating back as far as the early nineteenth century. Every column, balcony, and pilaster has a story to tell. Some are new stories: what was once the Delta Grocery and Cotton Company is now The Ground Zero Blues Club, owned in part by actor Morgan Freeman. Stories of the days when cotton was king abound as well, like the story of the Willis Cowan house, built by the daughter of Vicksburg's founder in 1832. Whatever your taste in tales, the photographs capture the seldom-seen interiors and abundant details of these grand homes and simple structures remarkable for their tenacious grip on the land.