Large size 8.5" x 11" containing 75 beautiful and unique Mandala designs of varying degrees of complexity. You won't get bored with the variety to choose from, including the following:
♥ Ancient Civilization Mandala
♥ Alien Mandala
♥ Animal Mandala
♥ Complex Mandala
♥ Decorative Mandala
♥ Egyptian Mandala
♥ Skull Mandala
♥ Steampunk Mandala
♥ Art Deco Mandala
♥ Indian Mandala
♥ Sacred, Spiritual, Magic Mandala
♥ Tribal Mandala
♥ Love and Heart Mandala
The word mandala in Sanskrit means "circle". Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe.
The circular designs symbolizes the idea that life is never ending and everything is connected. The mandala also represents spiritual journey within the individual viewer. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the belief is that by entering the mandala and proceeding towards its centre, you are guided through the cosmic process of transforming the universe from one of suffering into one of joy.
Coloring Mandalas in MeditationThe coloring of the mandalas is used as a healing tool and is associated with reducing stress and anxiety as well as combating depression whilst improving the immune system amongst other things. It also allows you express your creative side which often we are not able to do in our daily lives and stresses. Begin by selecting a mandala that strongly appeals to you. Then choose any medium such as colouring pencils, crayons, pastels, chalks or paint - whichever suits you best. Find a peaceful space where you can relax and start the coloring allowing any color that enters your mind without analysing it too much or trying to match the colors. If you have an intention you want to meditate on you may want to look at the meaning of the colors in the front of the book. However, you should let your instincts guide you and the choice of color will follow naturally. If your mind starts to think about daily stresses simply bring your focus back to the mandala. Gradually you will feel yourself more relaxed and a feeling of lightness and intuitive thoughts may arise as you color.