Prepared by two of the best-known scholars doing research on the language and texts of the ancient city of Ugarit (modern Tell Ras Shamra), A Manual of Ugaritic was first published in French in 2004 in two volumes. Eisenbrauns is pleased to make it available now in a corrected and updated version, in one volume, with significant enhancements.
This book comprises a historical introduction to the texts and language, an outline of the grammar of Ugaritic, a bibliography, facsimiles of a number of texts, and a glossary and text concordance--in short, everything that a student needs for entr e into the language. This English edition comes with digital access to a hyperlinked PDF version of the grammar, with color photos of all of the texts included in the book. The hyperlinks enable the reader to move easily from the discussion in the grammar to a copy of a text, to the color photo of the text, and back again, making the material easier to use for students and researchers.