Which measurement scales have been used the most in consumer insight research? Dr. Bruner, author of the classic Marketing Scales Handbook series, set out to answer that question. After reviewing several thousand multi-item measures used in scholarly research of consumer issues, it was clear that some scales had been used much more than others. Twenty of those are the focus of the book. Not only do these "top 20" indicate what is popular with marketing scholars but the book provides details about how to precisely measure some of the most important individual factors that shape consumer behavior including attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, purchase intention, satisfaction, and loyalty.
The book is meant for researchers in a variety of fields who want reliable measures for their surveys and/or experiments. Instead of using simplistic measures of dubious quality or, at the other extreme, having to build and refine measures from scratch, researchers can use the book to learn from the experts who have already crafted quality measures. By using better scales, accuracy is increased which, thereby, improves the results of analyses and the decisions based upon them.