In this book, I am assuming that you know that you are in a marriage to a sociopath or a narcissist, or that you are at least in the process of realizing it. You've probably read about the 10 or 12 signs that your marriage is abusive, you know what a narcissist means and you've looked up sociopaths. You've not only read about the charm, the love bombing, the lies, the lack of responsibility, the blame shifting and the lack of emotions but you have been on the receiving end of all of these things and you know what it feels like. I am also going to assume that this man is the manipulator in the relationship but the same things will apply if the woman is the manipulator.
So in this book MARRIAGE TO A NARCISSIST OR A SOCIOPATH, we will have a closer look at the dynamics of a marriage to a sociopath or a narcissist and how specifically they set up the power imbalance from the very start and how they maintain the power and control during the relationship and what you can do about it.
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