From the Everyone Can Be a Reader (Classics) series comes a retelling of Mary Shelley's thrilling classic Frankenstein, expertly designed to engage reluctant readers and provide an accessible reading experience for all.
A gothic tale of hubris gone badly wrong. A young man's search for the secret of the spark of life leads him to a horrific experiment in which he creates a gigantic creature from dismembered body parts. Rejected by his creator, the initially gentle creature turns monstrous when his desire to find companionship and love are thwarted. Carnegie Medal- winning author, Tanya Landman, revisits Mary Shelley's classic Gothic horror story, bringing to life Dr. Frankenstein and his monstrous creation in an accessible format that more readers can enjoy. Perfect for anyone seeking adapted classics or dyslexia-friendly literature, the Everyone Can Be a Reader (Classics) hi-lo book series presents accessible versions of classic novels in an easy-to-read style. Union Square & Co.'s EVERYONE CAN BE A READER books utilize dyslexia reading tools like specialized fonts and paper tones, and are carefully formatted to meet readers where they are with engaging stories that encourage reading success across a wide range of age and interest levels.