Mask Off: A Journey to Freedom was birthed in 2020 during the pandemic. We lived in a time when wearing masks became the norm to protect us from the deadly effects of the Covid-19 virus. Masks became a necessity for our well-being. No longer did we recognize each other beyond our eyes. Hiding became easy. Like the pandemic, how long have we depended on invisible "masks" to cover what we don't want people to see spiritually? Pride, jealousy, fear, traumatic disorders, addiction, etc., are all examples of what we hide behind our "masks." Afraid of what people will say if they see the scars and wounds life has brought us. "Masks" not only hide, but they also hinder us from true freedom.
This book unveils my journey to reaching and maintaining freedom with God's guidance. Every chapter will have you looking within yourself and challenging yourself to change. The "masks" you hide behind will surely come off.
Are you ready to start your Journey to Freedom? Let's go