Master Dao is a qigong master from China. He is a wise and playful cartoon character, here to teach us about working with qi, the "energy of life." The practice of working with qi is called "qigong." Readers learn that ancient sages and modern physicists alike recognize that all things in the physical universe interconnect with one another at an energetic level. Eastern sages say a "current of life" flows through the universe, connecting and sustaining all things including our own life and health. Physicists say we are electrical energy-based beings living in an electrical energy-based universe. Master Dao agrees with both, and says with practice, we can learn to feel this energy ourselves. By learning how to guide it with our mind, heart, and body, we can use qi to benefit our lives in many ways, including improving our health, thinking more clearly, advancing in sports, strengthening our spirit, and helping others heal. Master Dao explains that by practicing qigong over time we develop a useful life skill that we never outgrow. He leads us through two simple qigong exercises to get us started. Color illustrations on all pages; illustrations dominate text.