Over the past three decades, more and more nursing educators have turned to Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing for its accurate and up-to-date coverage of the latest trends, hot topics, and clinical developments in the field of medical-surgical nursing - and the new ninth edition is no exception Written by a dedicated team of expert authors led by Sharon Lewis, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 9th Edition offers the same easy-to-read style that students have come to love, along with the timely and thoroughly accurate content that educators have come to trust. Completely revised and updated content explores patient care in various clinical settings and focuses on key topics such as prioritization, critical thinking, patient safety, and NCLEX(R) exam preparation. Best of all - a complete collection of interactive student resources creates a more engaging learning environment to prepare you for clinical practice.
Highly readable format gives you a strong foundation in medical-surgical nursing. Content written and reviewed by leading experts in the field ensures that the information is comprehensive, current, and clinically accurate. Bridge to NCLEX Examination review questions at the end of each chapter reinforce key content while helping you prepare for the NCLEX examination with both standard and alternate item format questions. UNIQUE "Levels of Care" approach explains how nursing care varies for different levels of health and illness. More than 50 comprehensive nursing care plans in the book and online incorporate NIC, NOC, and current NANDA diagnoses, defining characteristics, expected outcomes, specific nursing interventions with rationales, evaluation criteria, and collaborative problems. Over 800 full-color illustrations and photographs clearly demonstrate disease processes and related anatomy and physiology. Completely revised and revamped content is more readable, concise, and user-friendly. Reorganized coverage reflects an increased emphasis on more common disorders versus rare disorders. An increased focus on prioritization is featured throughout the text and in the review questions, nursing care plans, and case studies. Expanded coverage of delegation includes Delegation Decisions boxes throughout the text that highlight specific topics and skills related to delegation. End-of-chapter Clinical Decision-Making Exercises feature case scenarios that emphasize prioritization, delegation, and concept mapping. End-of-chapter review sections now feature alternate item-format questions. Safety Alerts highlight patient safety issues and focus on the latest National Patient Safety Goals. Pathophysiology Map flow charts make it easier to visualize and understand changes occurring in major diseases. Focused Assessment boxes reflect a realistic "assessment on the run" approach and offer brief checklists for evaluating the status of previously identified health problems and monitoring for signs of new problems. Assessment Case Studies for all assessment chapters help reinforce the importance of integrating and prioritizing assessment findings. UNIQUE A separate Sleep and Sleep Disorders chapter expands upon this key topic that impacts multiple disorders and body systems, as well as nearly every aspect of daily functioning. UNIQUE The Patient and Caregiver Teaching chapter emphasizes the increasing importance and prevalence of patient management of chronic illnesses and conditions, as well as the role of the caregiver in patient care. The Emergency, Terrorism, and Disaster Nursing chapter features expanded coverage of terrorism. Revised Infection chapter features updated infection control guidelines, an expanded section on emerging and reemerging infections, and new information about prions and H1N1 flu.