There is space for seven attendees and the note-taker and facilitator of the meeting can both be named. On this template, there is space for ten agenda items and the initials of the person presenting each item. There is also space to keep track of deliverables that are due at the meeting.
This would be a great addition to a business planner. Perhaps you could add an agenda at the end of each week or month. If you are creating a journal for a professional who is likely to have regular meetings, you could also include this agenda at intervals in the journal or tailor them for particular types of meetings.
Meeting Notes Details
It includes sections for the meeting: Table of Contents, Meeting Date, Meeting Time, Note Taker, Facilitator, Attendees, Notes, Contact Information, Agenda Item, Deliverable.Perfect size 6" x 9" Matte finish cover design.It perfect for carrying to your meetings and appointments or your purse or bag.
Great meeting notebook for business, churches, schools, and any kind of business meeting.