What happens when a man of ferocious integrity finds himself trapped in a world of absolute corruption?
During a law-school graduation spree in Cape Town, a young South African fatally injures a teenage black street girl with his Range Rover but is too drunk to know that he has hit her. His stepfather-who does know-makes sure she dies.
The driver's mother, a self-made mining magnate and absolute ruler of her town and its officials, intends to keep her son ignorant of his fatal accident. Why should his life be ruined for a nameless girl who may already have been terminally ill? No one will ever care. But this case falls to a devilish, relentless, and black warrant officer: Turner of Cape Town Homicide.
When he drives to this remote isolated mining town-one totally controlled by Margot Le Roux-he finds her determined to protect her son and she tries to buy him off. But Turner will not be bought or bullied. Her henchmen eventually capture him, and then abandon him in a remote desert to die. But a corpse is nearby, and Turner knows how to extract life-giving water from a corpse.
Many will die before Turner's counterattack is finished-and we see Tim Willocks again as the laureate of the violent thriller.