Memoirs of a Texan: Redemption is a continuation of the Jim Cobb saga began with Memoirs of a Texan: War which won the Fast Pencil 2009 Best of Category Award. Experience reconstruction in post-war Texas through the lives of Jim Cobb who builds a financial empire in cattle, cotton, wood processing, and shipping while contesting treacherous carpetbaggers and scalawags Andy Blaylock, the Regimental First Sergeant who becomes Jim's right arm and finds his soul mate with a young widow who joins the newly formed cotton consortium Missy Cobb escapes humiliation in Virginia in marrying the man she loved since he came to her family's plantation as a VMI cadet Pansy Gerlach, an Octoroon married to Jim's uncle who gains a new life when Andy and Jim build the sprawling, undeveloped Gerlach Estate into a profitable plantation Robert Savage, twice unlucky in post-war romance finds love with a shy school teacher who understands his postwar trauma from her own capture and rescue from a Comanche raiding party