More than 400 projections make it easier to learn anatomy, properly position the patient, set exposures, and take high-quality radiographs With Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning & Procedures, 13th Edition, you will develop the skills to produce clear...
With more than 400 projections, Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning & Procedures, 14th Edition makes it easier to for you to learn anatomy, properly position the patient, set exposures, and take high-quality radiographs. This definitive text has been...
With more than 400 projections presented, Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures remains the gold standard of radiographic positioning texts. Authors Eugene Frank, Bruce Long, and Barbara Smith have designed this comprehensive resource to be both...
Practice and review the concepts presented in Merrill's Atlas This popular workbook set includes anatomy labeling exercises, positioning exercises, self-tests, and an answer key. Types of exercises include matching, labeling and identifying anatomy, short-answer and multiple-choice...
The "bible" of radiography, this comprehensive resource presents more than 400 projections. Clear, step-by-step instructions explain all commonly performed procedures. Merrill's shows how to properly position the patient so that each radiograph provides the information the physician...