Michael Jordan Speaks is a very good book because Michael lets you know what he went through as he looks back at it all. As I read it I kept on thinking to myself whoa!. Mike had that God- given talent that comes naturally and he was determined to become a better player. He started to put a lot of work in and had that ability to make it. Micheal said "It's not how you start, it's how you finish." "It's not what's on you,...
Many people know Michael Jordan as a legend, but did you know that even this legend has failed. As a sophomore in high school, Michael was cut from the varsity basketball team. Though he may have had thoughts of giving up, it inspired him to work even harder. Michael Jordan Speaks by Janet Lowey tells the story of Michael's life, and what obstacles he has overcome. Throughout the book, Michael faces many struggles, not...
I just started reading the book, spenbt about 20 minutes on it, im on page like 60 something . But its aight, gives facts and true stories about his life. Pretty tight, you find out soem interesting stuff, like he NEVER has had a job his entire life.
Being a fan of the game but a Knicks fan, I can say this was a decent read about Jordans career. I always had great respect for the man and think he is the best basketball player of all time. This book will let you see in writing what he did over the years. Well put together by the author and worthwhile for anyone even those who are not fans.