After working in both large and midsized firms across various business sectors, Julia Fitzgerald came to realize that the size of a firm does indeed matter when looking for your dream job. She also noted that the skills, mindset, and strategies for success are often different in a midsized firm than in a large company with more resources and budget.
Midsize gives readers an insider's look at how the organization size can impact the work experience for marketers. This book is the guidebook for those just charting their path in marketing, CMOs who are evaluating their best fit, and CEOs of midsize organizations who are evaluating their marketing team and growth strategies. Candid and witty, Julia is a clear voice of experience in marketing and management. Midsize provides a collection of stories from Julia and other leaders in the marketing space providing readers with growth strategies to use for their own midsize teams. Smart, scrappy, digital, and savvy, this is a no-nonsense read on how to get big impact with limited resources.
If you are a marketing professional looking to grow your $400 Million company to $1 Billion, or if you are feeling unfilled at a big Fortune whatever company with an impressive brand name, this book is the one for you. You may just find that a midsized organization is the perfect size for you.