This is a great book and highly recommended for anyone interested in marketing or in Generation X and Y and how they view the world. The book is also full of interesting companies that have successfully marketed to these generations that I hadn't heard of before :)
I actually saw Lisa speak at a Ladies Who Launch Live event and thought she was dynamic. I immediately bought her book but did not read until recently. I have gone back through and reread several chapters. This book has some great information on marketing. Lisa does not just tell you to do this or that she gives real stories of companies and what they did for marketing that worked. I think this book really hits the target...
This great book is a fecund breeding ground for your innovative ideas. Find out what underlies the 10 cravings of the connected generation, why these things are important and how to maximise your use of them. Understand the new consumer and their environment and they will reward your business by.... building your business!
If you need to understand how young people make purchasing decisions, this book will put you way ahead of the competition. Even my young, technically savvy friends have learned new things from reading this book.
I loved this book, it is one of the best that I've read this year. This is an important book because it gives you a clear, step by step roadmap for influencing and persuading one of the most fickle (and over marketed) consumer groups of our era, those consumers between 18 - 40. The author goes into exacting detail about how this market consumes information and how you can create messages that resonate with them and stick...