Just like any other food business out there, you definitely shouldn't just go in your truck without knowing what you're going to sell. You have to decide what you want to cook and what you want to sell so that you can be sure that your business will start rolling.
What this book teaches you.
1. What's easy for you to cook?
2. What's your specialty?
3. Which ingredients are easy to get around you?
4. What do the people around you love to eat? Or, what are they looking for?
5. What kinds of food can customers easily take with them
6. Will you focus on your expertise, or are you willing to try something new?
Then, when you finally decide what kind of menu you'd offer to your customers, you have to make sure that you get to cook the food right and that you think about some guidelines that will help you create the perfect food truck dish for your customers. These guidelines are:
1. You have to make sure that you are consistent.
2. Make sure that you can cook in large quantities.
3. Make food that you won't have a hard time serving.
4. And, make food that won't spoil even if it's taken on the road.
About the Expert
Bruce Stimson is the co-founder of Stimsom's Mobile food court with his wife Dubu. After spending 5 years in corporate IT, he realized his dream of launching his own business. With the culinary skills belonging solely with his wife, his skills were in being an all-around handyman and having solid business acumen. In the spring of 2011, they bought a 13 year old tool truck. For the next six months, Bruce used the internet and DIY TV shows to learn how to build a food truck. Every night, he worked to convert the old tool truck into the first and only truly traditional food truck on the east coast.
Working with close associates and other food truckers across the state. Bruce studied at Temple University in Philadelphia. He is well-traveled, having been to all 50 states of the US and 22 countries around the world.
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